
2.9 Years- 5 Years

The children freely move from one activity to another and are encouraged to clean up as they go. Children at this age are becoming very independent. We encourage their independence by setting up activities and the classroom in a way that will foster their self-help skills. For example, we keep the lunch boxes down low and the children go and get their own lunch boxes at lunchtime. We encourage them to open up their own Ziploc baggies and straws. This helps them with self-help skills as well as helping them to develop good hand-eye coordination. This is also a typical time for toilet training. Toilet training will be done on an individual basis, as your child shows they are physically as well as emotionally ready for it. A big goal of this classroom is to help your child become a self-sufficient individual, while thoroughly enjoying the process.

The Preschool curriculum is based on the children's interests. The materials are presented in a “learn at your own pace” manner, which is comfortable for the young child because children develop at different rates. We practice an emergent curriculum that is child-directed vs. teacher directed. There is no wrong way to do the activities in Preschool. This will help the children feel successful and free to explore their imaginations and strengthen their self-esteem. Circle time in Preschool is a little longer and more structured. The group will meet in the morning to plan their day. The children will learn new songs, listen to more stories, and have discussions that promote language and help the children feel comfortable talking in front of others.

On a weekly basis, the children will learn about a new letter, shape, and color. These are posted on the parent board so parents can talk to children about them at home too. We will talk about these in the classroom by reading books, having discussions, and lots of fun games.

Preschool 1


Preschool 2


Classroom Introductions and Schedules

Preschool 1 Classroom Bio website.pdf
Preschool 2 Classroom Bio website.pdf